What People Are Saying for Body Soul & Spirit
Before working with Coach Pearl, I was struggling with challenging relationships, finding life’s purpose, heartbreak, and was overwhelmed by life.
She helped me work through my grief and hopelessness by asking wise questions, pulling out the strength in me to find the right direction.
Today I celebrate being an overcomer, secure in Christ, grounded in peace and the truth of "I Can" in any situation. I was also able to apply Coach Pearl’s “CANCER is not invincible, I beat it! Strategies to my Father - in- law’s cancer diagnosis, which is now helping him to overcome.
If you struggle with stress, finding life’s purpose, or any overwhelming circumstances, I highly recommend working with Coach Pearl. She'll help you realize that you are stronger than you think and believe "You Can, Yes You!"
Kimberly Rankens
Before working with Coach Pearl ,I was struggling with feelings of insecurity and negative thinking,
She helped me work through the depth of those feelings, pinpointed and determined from where those feelings manifested, and guided me on how to change my perspective on situations that generated knee-jerking reaction of negative thoughts.
Today I EXPECT Good Things to Happen Every Day...I see each day as a Blessing and a New Opportunity to do things better! , I am sure of who I am, and can understand and empathize with others as I have a clearer perspective, and a different MINDSET on situations as they appear.
If you are struggling with feelings of insecurity and negative thinking or any of life 's road blocks, I highly recommend working with Dr. Pearl Glasgow, who would loving guide you into a path, where you will be strengthen by her methods of coaching, which would surely change you and how you face life!
Vanessa Mason
Before working with Dr. Pearl Glasgow, I was struggling with Clarifying my goals, Owning up to my potential, and Defining my top dreams and goals. It was not long before her mantra of “You Can… Yes You”, which bled through every aspect of her coaching, found their way into my subconscious mind, until it became “I Can.. Yes Me”! Our work together helped me develop an action plan and set objectives to achieve my goals in bite sized pieces while keeping the bigger picture in view. In fact, as we worked together I found myself dreaming bigger than before!
Today I am overall more confident, more focused on my goals & objectives, and bold about saying ‘yes’ to myself and ‘no’ to anything and anyone that does not align with my desired future. If you are struggling with your self image, goal setting and clarification, and especially succumbing to the common enemy ‘procrastination’, I highly recommend that you make Dr. Pearl Glasgow your coach. You are bound to become infected with a winning attitude and shift into OVERCOMER mode.
Heather Crutch
Before working with Dr. Pearl Glasgow, I struggled with negative thoughts, fear, aggressiveness and uncertainty about my life. I was not sure about my life’s purpose. I was dealing with a lot of negative emotions and was angry all the time. She helped me work through trusting, believing and depending on God. We worked on changing my attitude and mindset, changing my perspective of how I view situations and obstacles that have occurred in my life. I was a ring-side witness to her fight in beating CANCER and that has injected me with doses of her overcoming spirit.
Today I am definitely in a more positive mindset and place. I have put complete trust and faith in God. Dr. Glasgow has been so influential in preparing me for the next phases of my life. Her motto " You Can, Yes You" continues to motivate me on this life journey. Her guidance has made me a stronger person and I look forward to the next phases of my life. If you are struggling with overcoming obstacles, uncertainty, emotional turmoil and feeling stagnated in life I highly recommend working with Dr. Pearl Glasgow.